Busting 4 Myths of Social Media Advertising

It’s common ground; It’s not only the great content that will get you far, but it’s also the budget. Yes, that’s right, advertising is that little extra push that will help your brand grow and your message travel great distances. It’s not a coincidence that social media networks have put effort into building meticulous advertising solutions that will suit everyone’s needs.

However, there are still many people who don’t completely trust advertising solutions. Before agreeing with them and reckoning that ads are just the black hole of budget spending, let’s have a look at this infographic, created by AOL Platforms, that will help us shake the myth of “advertising is just money spent”.

Key Points To Take Away

– Social Media channels influence buying decisions, so boosting them with advertising, may help you close more deals.
– Although organic growth is crucial, target ads help brands reach broader audience and influence decisions. More specifically more the difference between organic and paid conversion is more than 25%.
– Say you advertise with the same amount and targeting on different social networks. This doesn’t mean that you will get the same results. Each social network has its own rate. Just like each social network has its own audience.
