Anagnostopoulos Catering

Anagnostopoulos Catering Responsive

Anagnostopoulos Group is a catering company with more than 60 years experience on the field.

Anagnostopoulos catering can cover all your needs. Taking everything with guaranteed results.

Socially events like: wedding parties, themed christenings, gala dinners, finger cocktails, cocktail bars, bartenders, buffet, served menu, chill lounge in the countryside but also corporate meetings, corporate events for Christmas cake cutting and tightening relations between colleagues, presentations, openings, fashion shows, parties.

Based on this philosophy, we designed a modern website that brings out the quality and long experience of the company.

The design of the website was based on the branding of Anagnostopoulos Catering with focus on the black and white colours of the logo. Also we picked out photographs that reflect on the services the company provide.